I wrote this post while participating in a blog tour conducted by Clever Girls Collective on behalf of Children’s Claritin®. I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program.
My little guy has inherited not only his Father’s temperament, and zeal for life… he has also inherited his life long challenge with allergies!!
The poor kiddo has dealt with a a runny and sneezie nose pretty much from the moment he came home with us from the hospital. It has been a challenge because we don’t really have any major environmental issues {that I know of} in our home. We don’t have pets, we keep a clean home {for the most part} and we live in the desert. You would have thought that moving to the desert it would solve most allergy issues… but alas it has not! My husband grew up in a house full of animals and didn’t know that he could breath through his nose until he left home!!!
The little guy was constantly suffering from ear and sinus infections brought on by the fact that he was having mucus issues all the time. Even with all of that I didn’t realize that all of this was because he was an allergy sufferer. I was blown over when his doctor told me that he had allergies. For months we dealt with a very grumpy infant who was always having trouble sleeping because he couldn’t breath very well.
Here’s the disclaimer… I don’t normally like to medicate my children very much when I can avoid it. With that said… I have fallen in LOVE with Claritin!!! The little guy has been on it for almost a year now and he is a totally different child. He SLEEPS well and can play without the constant runny nose and water eyes. He’s a totally different child. Sometimes I start to feel like maybe we should take him off of the Claritin and I kid you not, usually within a week he has a sinus and ear infection. So… I am a believer and will never leave home without Claritin!!
For more tips on relieving allergies, visit www.Facebook.com/Claritin. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.
kiki comin says
oooh, i am so with you on this one. My oldest developed allergies just two months ago..and claritin cleared it right up!:)