I was at the store this morning at 5 o’crazy clock in the morning (don’t ask, yes I know it was too early, but I was rockin’ my Vintage Rose Wrap, so all was right with the world), and I found these little gems as they were gently screaming my name…
“Heather we are destined to be on WhipperBerry, you must buy us and make us into something special.” Well, when a marshmallow talks to you… YOU LISTEN!!
So they came home with me and I thought and thought, what could we do with them to make them “special.” And then it hit me, I LOVE speckled eggs, why not make my lovely EggMallows speckled!
I melted 1/3 cup of chocolate chips and added about 1 tsp. of vegetable oil to thin it out—and then, check out what I did…
I had my sweet husband stop at the store on the way home and get a brand spankin’ new toothbrush, and I commenced the speckling!! I found that dipping the toothbrush into the melted chocolate, and rubbing it with a wooden skewer would produce the lovely speckled effect I was looking for.
By the way, my darling Little One posed in the pictures for me. I do not sport silver nail polish, nor are my nails bitten down to the quick!! Thanks my darling!!
Aren’t they fun?! Let them sit for a little while for the chocolate to solidify and then you are in business!
Now to keep it real, here is what was happening behind the scenes while I was working on these little lovelies…
Yes, this is what happens when you give a one year old a marshmallow to keep him happy for a few minutes while you work!
Shhhhh, don’t tell Mom what I am doing!! I even have it in my HAIR!!
Oh, but I am toooo darn cute. She won’t mind!!
Gotta say, not too sure if I am liking this myself anymore!
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