There are two kinds of people in this world… Those who send Christmas cards, and those who do not. Those who do not, just don't GET those who do and vice versa. I am in the love Christmas camp and I'm proud of it. I love taking the pictures and finding the perfect card to send to all of your family and friends. In turn, I also LOVE to receive holiday cards!! Almost more than sending, just almost. But, we all know that the first step to a great Christmas card is a fabulous family picture.
A few months back, I started WhipperBerry Studios my official photography business. Photography has always been a love of mine and it was just a natural fit to open things up as a side business. You may have noticed the Studio tab at the top of WhipperBerry. That's a link to my WhipperBerry Studios Site. Here's some of the work that I have done recently for friends who are getting their Christmas cards together…