Cre8time Movement // As long as I can remember, I've been a creative type person. To a fault really… If I haven't created something for awhile, I get a little cranky. Ask my husband… he has finally come to terms with this crazy creative side that I have. I know that if I'm feeling a little stressed or blue, all I need to do is find a project to work on. I've dabbled in many different mediums; yarn arts, paper arts, cake decorating, beading, vinyl arts… You name it, I've probably dabbled in it. When Michaels approached me to share about the Cre8time Movement, it was something I knew I could easily get behind.
The bottom line is, our lives are busy. The older we get, it seems the more responsibilities we have and the time we have to be creative starts to disappear. We get bogged down with school, soccer practice, dance rehearsal, dinner, house keeping, work, church… I could go on and on. The first thing that seems to go is our creative time. For me that wasn't a good thing. I have an deep seeded need to create and when I can't, I'm not happy. I'm going through the motions of life, but the joy I find when creating something for or with my family is truly missed. That's what the Cre8time Movement is all about. It's about reclaiming just 8 hours a month to do something creative. Here is a video that explains it all…
Michaels challenged me to reclaim my 8 hours, which wasn't too hard considering I'm a creative blogger. Regardless, I was game in hopes that it will inspire some of you, my favorite friends, to do the same. Here is what I created…
A fun cake for my little guys birthday. I know that Michaels will always have what I need when it comes to my cake decorating needs. I made just a basic white cake with my Simple Vanilla Buttercream frosting with a special addition. I will have the new recipe along with some cake decorating tips later this week on Thursday. I just love how it turned out. My little guy was in awe and I love that he knew that I created that cake just for him.
Are you like me? Do you require some creative time in your life? What inspires you? How are you going to reclaim your cre8time?
This is a paid post sponsored by Michaels Craft Stores